Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Club HM- better than your gym membership

As hopefully you are aware, Heritage Makers is now operating on a POINT system.  You no longer buy credits for projects (a 12x12, or deck of cards) – you now purchased points and can publish whatever you want!  1 point=1 dollar.  Pretty simple.  

Instead of me letting you know that a certain product is on sale for the month  - we have simplified our plan and now I just sell point packages at a discount.  For example -- $100 gets you 150 points.   This was a great plan we used during the fall selling season and my clients have LOVED it. 

But wait!  It now gets even better!!!!!!  Some of you remember Christmas – and the money you spent on gifts of Heritage or Christmas cards with Heritage Makers.  While I was able to get everyone great discounts (‘cause I’m tricky like that) it still was hundreds of dollars at one shot for everyone.

Heritage Makers has listened to us and the requests of our devoted clients and we have released this new amazing program that you need to be on!

Let’s get you on Club HM – it’s a monthly subscription to points.   I have 3 plans available --- and all have FREE PREMIER  -yes no more paying for premier if you are on this CLUB HM plan.
·         $30 a month gets you $40 to spend (40 points)  and free premier
·         $50 a month gets you 70 points and free premier
·         $100 gets you 150 points and free premier
There is a 3 month commitment on the club plans  -- it’s a great way to start accruing points in your account – no more having to shell out hundreds of dollars in one month!  AND YOUR POINTS HAVE A 2 YEAR “SHELF LIFE”…….

PLUS , The first time you get on Club HM, you can purchase anadditional 100 points (that’s $100 to spend) for $50.   AND------------------------

These last few days of the month to really kick this little puppy off we are offering the following:
             Get the first month of the 70 point level for only $40, or the first month of the 150 point level for only $80!

·       So – for $140 (spread over 3 months) you’d get 210 points in your account (at the end of 3 months).  OR
·       For $280 (spread over 3 months) you’d get 450 points– that’s $450 to use on projects!
o   THROW IN THE option of 100 points for $50 on your first month and WOW!!!!!!!!
§  That takes the 70 point plan to 310 points for $190
§  And the 150 point plan to 550 points for $330. 
·       And when you are on a CLUB plan – you get FREE PREMIER!  (in the past you’ve paid from $10-20 a month for it)
o   That’s unlimited photo storage at HIGH resolution
o   Access to nearly 4500 templates now
o  New Art every month
o   And now, each month we’ll be offering adiscount when you publish the “product of the month”…..  for example, in February the product may be 8x8 books and posters.  When you publish those in the month of the promotion, you use 10% less points from your account.

So, what CLUB will you join?  You can't afford to not be apart of this offer!


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