Happy Birthday baby boy, you are now practically a toddler! Daddy and I love you so much!! Best part today was when you and daddy woke me up and we got to cuddle in bed and sing happy birthday and have a tickle fight. I love it when you come wake me up with daddy in the morning and grab my face as to say "HELLO MOMMY I"M HERE!" I love your little chubby feet, and your bucky beaver teeth. I love your dimples and how you screech really high when you are laughing. I love that you still have no hair but have enough chompers to eat steak and corn on the cob with us. I love that you can stand up on your own but are still too timid to take that first step. Please stay my baby a little bit longer. I love that you have big blue eyes that make the biggest tears when I get to far away or say "No". I love that you still like to be held if only for a minute. I love that you will bring me your blanket and want me to suck on its tag like you do. I love that I can always distract you with food. I love that you like to look at books and play with your toys all by yourself. You are very good at being independent as long as I am within eye sight. I love that you sleep
Cool things now that you are a big kid.... you can drink out of a straw (mastered that one already!) learn to walk, then run, then chase everything littler than you. Drink milk, ride forward in the car, go to nursery soon, someday go to preschool, then ride a bike, play ball, get baptized, learn to tie your shoes, drive a car, kiss a girl, go on a mission, get married , ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.................................. ok I have to stop that's too much.
I remember the night before I had you (here come my tears) how excited I was to see you face to face AGAIN. I know I knew you before we all came here, you have been my baby forever and always will be. I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant with you that you were my little Ryan. I was so excited to hear your cry and to look into those perfect blue eyes of yours and tell you how much I love you. You sure gave me a run for my money when you were in my belly and havent stopped this whole year but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so grateful our Heavenly Father has trusted me to raise you in the world we live in today. I also remember the night before your birth how nervous I was. How can I keep you safe, how I can I make sure you know WHO you are and WHERE you came from and WHERE you are going? how can I make sure you know Heavenly Father and I and your Daddy love you SO much, along with the rest of your family? I hope that I can be a good mommy to you and that you will know all these things someday. Please make good choices, please always make us proud, be the boy and someday man we know you are.
Tonight before I put you to bed you laid your head on my shoulder and closed your eyes, let out a big sigh and practically fell asleep. Without nursing. That was the best birthday present ever.
So I'm practically crying just thinking about my little boy turning 1 so soon. Can't they just always be little enough to snuggle up in our arms and always want our kisses forever and ever? I can only imagine how emotional it'll be when he actually does turn 1. Can't time stand still for a little bit? I haven't had enough time!
Awww! Auntie Becca is so proud of Ryan's first year and her best friend Lauren's first year as a mommy! You are both amazing :)
This made me cry!
Awesome, simply amazing. love you lauren.
I loved reading this post. SO sweet. Can't believe its already been a year. Happy Birthday to you too this week!!
so Im totally bawling, I shouldn't read mushy stuff like that at "this time of the month" ha ha. That was a sweet post. I so feel the same way- that I knew Cale before, it's so special being a mom ;) We are so glad we know you guys, and have seen Ryan turn into a little boy, we love you guys!!! xoxo
Oh. Tears.
You are such a good mommy Lauren. Ryan is so lucky to have you.
Lauren, you have such a sweet spirit. Thank you for being my friend.
What a great post!! You are such a great mom!! Love it!! Happy Birthday Baby Ryan!! Well he's not a baby anymore, but that is what the girls will always call him!
P.S. Love the new background!
Lauren...! you made me cry!
that was awesome. I know exactly how you feel.
And when are you coming up to Seattle again? We should try together!
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