sorry I didnt source these, all images are via... google :)
There will be popcorn, cotton candy, and peanuts, brown sack lunches, clown noses in the photo booth, and traditional carnival games. I am still trying to lock down a location so I can get his a-dorable invitations out!
I cant believe we are here, he is so grown up in so many ways and I love him more every day. Look forward to his circus themed photo shoot coming up this week :)

So cute!!! But I'll be honest....clowns and any circus make me REALLY anxious. I blame it on "Blueberry" the clown at Applebees when I was really little. She wouldn't leave me alone for my b-day dinner. I was SO afraid of clowns after that (still am...).
AND going to a haunted house and one of the exhibits was a clown about SCARY!!!!
(BUT!!!) those pictures are so cute and I just KNOW he'll love it!!!
What a cute theme!
SO Cute.. My number one Phobia, are clowns.. lol.. But this theme is too cute, I remember when you posted this on Facebook I think... 2! is a fun age.. Wild, and Super independent.. Looks like fun.
How exciting! I HAVE to send something from Claire and I since I never sent Ryan a Christmas gift. :(
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