Day 3
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Hi! How are you? I miss you and had fun talking to you this morning. It was kind of a crazy morning. Aunt Jen got baby K and I changed (both poopy) and dressed and then we ate breakfast. I decided that I liked wearing it better than eating it, and it made Aunt Jen laugh. So, I got changed again. (Aunt J had camera problems, so we don't have any great pictures today.) We were hurrying so that we could get to story time at the library and we just barely made it. However, I didn't really like going into the building, so didn't like story time too much. We looked at a bunny. It was white with red eyes.
When we got back from the library, we went for a walk to the park. Going down the slide was my favorite part, but the wind came up and it got cold so we had to go home. That's ok because there is a Baby Einstein video I love to watch. It has Old McDonald on it and I ask to watch it over and over. We ate lunch and I took a nap for half an hour and then we went to play at a friend's house. He is almost 3 and has lots of fun boy toys that Aunt Jen doesn't have. I played for a long time with a Thomas train set. I think we will have to play there again!
Dinner was so good that I ate almost 2 whole pancakes. We just played in the evening. My favorite is still the ball popper.
I hope you are doing good. I miss you!
Dear Ryan,
Today I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY! I have been so busy that I havent had much time to think about it but ever since we video chatted with you yesterday morning you are all think about. I am so glad you are having fun with your cousins but I am so ready to cuddle and kiss you tons TOMORROW. Thats right baby I am on my way to see you. I cant wait! You still have to stay with Aunt J for a bit but I will bring you home soon enough. Daddy cant wait to see you too.