Wednesday, August 4, 2010

{what I meant to say wednesday}

Here is how it goes in our house

B: Did you get the house cleaned today (meaning did you do the dishes)
L: Yup!

What I meant to say was... OH CRAP I hate that you reminded me that there are days worth of smelly dishes in the kitchen. Thats why I turned on the scentsy, to mask that stank of milk and left overs. I am trying to hide from the responsibility and now you ruined it. You could actually lick the floors of the house its so clean everywhere but the dishes remain, they dont count. Now you are on your way home and I will panic to get them done so you still think I am that awesome kick butt woman you married. Not the one who will run out of clean plates, forks etc. and then go to Burgerville for lunch instead.

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