Friday, June 29, 2012

weston is 6 months old

We are half way to one and I want to just cry about it. I absolutely love this baby of mine and the stage he is in but I miss my little cuddly infant. Where did time go? As of tomorrow we are officially closer to being one than to the day I first held him. Every day I fall in love with him more and more, he amazes me.

I love his big blue eyes, the fact that he is starting to get some hair, and those rolls. Dont even get me started on the rolls. I love how he fits ever so perfectly into our family and how I cant imagine my life without him even though he's only been here for a few months. I am so grateful for his sweet spirit and magical personality. He makes everyone around him happy. I can't take him anywhere without people just flocking to  him and smiling and laughing because he is so happy all the time. He makes me want to be better and be happier too. 

He has his 6 month check up on Tuesday. I will update this with his stats but I am anxious to see how big he is getting. At six months he...

still has chubby rolls
wears 6-9 month size clothes
size 2 disposables and bum genius one size pocket diapers
cloth diapering 95% of the time
loves to breastfeed  
will take a bottle of my milk if I am working and likes to hold it himself
sleeps all night and takes cat naps during the day (i miss long naps!)
sitting up 100% on his own
crawling everywhere and moving fast
can go from crawling to sitting on his own 
loves to play with and throw toys- cars are his favorite
is obsessed with tv remotes and phones. I dont let him play with them but he always tries 
hates baby food but loves table food- doing the baby led weaning program

laughs ALL the time
loves sophie and anything else he can chew on
still only has 2 teeth on the bottom
loves to take baths but thinks he can roll around in the tub
loves to drink water in a sippy cup
pulls himself up on the side of the crib
climbs/crawls over everything 
likes to play outside and eat grass
likes to ride in the car as long as he can see Ryan
had his first play date at a friends house without me or Ryan
daddy is his favorite person in the world
likes to watch Baby Einstein 
loves to play on his own but will crawl over when he wants a cuddle
loves to stick his tongue out
gets so distracted by everything when hes eating or sleeping

likes to be rocked in the rocking chair
prefers to sleep with a fan AND music playing (picky picky)
loves to suck on his fingers and thumb
starting to see some similarities in looks between him and his brother 
still loves his pacie/wubanub
sleeps in a sleep sack and rolls around with his lovey blanket til hes found the perfect spot
very "text book" and easy!

is perfect as can be! 

Happy 6 months Weston, the first half has been amazing- cant wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us!9-

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1 comment:

Etosia (e-tasha) said...

Happy 6 Months Weston! He is so handsome & I just love his chubby rolls & bright blue eyes! Even though we are 95% positive that we are 1 & done hearing that Weston is pretty "textbook" & easy gives me hope if we were to decide to have a 2nd baby.

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