Wednesday, December 7, 2011

for new baby boy

I go through phases where I have SO much to write about I literally keep a running list of topics on a note pad because I come up with 50 things a day. Other times I have dry spells where I realize its been over a week and I havent pulled out my camera once and have nothing really to say.

I still havent pulled out my camera but I have been thinking about our little baby boy for a while now, he has seemed to consume my thoughts and dreams every moment for the last week. I was planning on blogging more about and for him during this pregnancy but super cool big brother has taken center stage. Regardless I love both of my boys beyond words already. I feel so blessed to be their mother.

To my sweet little jelly bean, mommy loves you SO much. I havent held you in my arms yet but I have held you in my belly and in my heart for the last 9 months. You are so apart of me and who I am. You represent a new beginning for this family. I have no doubt that you are coming to us exactly when we needed you the most. Barely 4 lbs and still havent taken your first breath yet you have tied our family together again and have saved us. For that we will always be grateful. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent you to us last April. In a few short weeks I will get to kiss your perfect cheeks and tell you face to face how much I love and cherish you. I cant wait.

You have an amazing big brother and an amazing daddy to come to as well. You are so lucky to have these guys in your life, they love you too! Today you were getting checked out at the doctor and Ryan was so excited when he got to hear your heart beat and kept yelling BABY! over and over. Last night he rubbed my belly and told you to get out so you could come play with him.

I know you have to cook a little while longer and get some sweet little baby chunk on you before you are ready for us but baby boy, let me tell ya, we are SO ready for you.

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