Tuesday, June 14, 2011

jelly bean wish list

I made sure to plan for more babies when we had Monkey. I carefully folded all his little clothes and blankets and packed them away in color coded rubbermaid tubs. I saved the bottles, the pacies, the baby toys. We have everything that survived and is still in good shape! We are mostly prepared for this jelly bean, unless its a SHE. Then I will need pink clothes of course! Til I started actually thinking about it. Then it got worse when I started googling.

This baby is going to be born in December (hopefully not January..) I have no idea how to have a winter baby, Ryan was born the end of May in one of the hottest summers we've had. I never worried about RSV or other sicknesses. We went on walks every day to help him with his colick! I am really nervous about having a winter baby. I will most likely battle PPD again and not seeing the sun and being cooped up for months?! ahhh. Hopefully one of these car seat canopy's will help!

I waited and waited and FINALLY scored my dream carrier thanks to one of my dear friends Caige. I am in love with my Ergo. I have slings, front packs, the Moby... this takes the cake. I got mine when Ryan was about 15 months old so he just hung out piggy back style I will need the infant insert for Jelly Bean!!
Before my knowledge of baby products was as advanced as it was now I bought a jumperoo off craigslist (I am pretty sure thats where it came from) It was awful! I wont share which brand in case someone is in love with it but it didnt play music when the baby jumped. The only music came from the little keyboard and it was so hard to use he never figured it out. Therefore he hated it and I sold it.. I have jumperoo envy of this one.

 Um yes please I will take one of THESE. I spent SO much money on baby food as little man was ready for the stuff at 4.5 months. This baby food maker steams, puree's, and then defrosts when you are ready to eat (well the baby is ready)  A little spendy so I dont think I will get this exact one but something along these lines. I want to know everything that is in their food and make it with LOVE.
 I wish we would have sucked it up and bought one of these with Ryan. Oh my heck we all would have slept better if I could just SEE what he was up to in there, did he get his foot stuck in the rail or is he just mad to be in there alone. Does he ACTUALLY need a mama love or does he just need to cry it out? This time I will know for sure :)

I might add more to the list, we can do a wish list 2.0 if you have any suggestions. After looking at this list I realize I have become a baby snob! None of these are cheap.. We are taking donations! I plan to cruise craigslist too. 

Probably the biggest must have item is a double stroller! I already scored my bumbleride indie twin off craigslist. Its a little older and not in the best shape plus the changes over the years have made it much cooler and easier to use. I am still looking and if I find something better I will sell and upgrade!

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