on 6/14/11
weight: 25.4 lbs (15%)
height: 33.25 (17%)
head circ: 50cm (80% woop woop finally starting to even out)
with cousin K
He continues to crack us up with his wacky personality. We have some good friends with a little girl about his age (Hi Huskinson family!) and it makes me feel not so alone when I read about the things their little girl is up too as well cause her and Ryan are 2 peas in a pod. Toddlers are just crazy little people.
I think we spend too much time at target and the grocery store because its Ryans favorite thing to do at home. He always finds shopping bags or uses his shopping cart and fills them up with all sorts of things- clothes, shoes, toys, kitchen gadgets. He has a hard time at the store giving up the goods to the cashier so now we have to practice that at home too. Of course his baby doll is never left out, it goes with him all over the house during his shopping trips complete with a toy and a sippy cup for them so they behave. Ah he is such a little daddy already.
We are FINALLY going hit the potty training hard on Monday! Wish us luck. If you have been reading for a while you know that Ryan first started using the potty in October when he was 17 months old. He wears underwear at home sometimes and goes potty on the toilet a few times every day. He will sometimes stop during play time and run to the bathroom even if he is wearing a diaper. This has all been his choosing! I was not about to force potty training when hes not ready. We have some time at home with no visitors in town or big plans so we are going to do the 3 Day Potty Training ebook program. Its intense and I might just die but everyone I have talked to said it worked. I am just sick of getting kicked and screamed at during every diaper change and constantly finding him naked cause he hates his diaper. The time has come. Hopefully I will see you on the other side.
All of the cousins! We got to spend the last 2 weeks with my sister in law and her girls and we love it when they come to town.