*disclaimer- I am a big advocate of not losing myself in mommyhood. I still wear dresses and get dolled up for no reason other than to feel like a girl, I am no a lazy bum... everyday ;)
The other great part about being a sahm is that after the sickies have done their deed and we are feeling better I get in this lets have a tickle fight and jump on the bed kind of mood. I know the icky parts of it all are behind us for a little while and its time to celebrate. In whatever fashion we choose.
yesterday that mean underwear over a onesie.
air plane rides
Putting on makeup. These will for blackmail purposes later.
Being a sahm allowed me to be there for these moments. I am so grateful!

Being a SAHM is the best!! We are so blessed. And Ryan is so lucky to have you all to himself 24/7! :)
I love being a SAHM and getting to be there for everything it truly is a blessing in today's world to be able to do so! Ryan is too cute in his big boy undies and make up!!! Defiantly future blackmail material!!!
thats so adorable! i hope i will be able to be a SAHM
Cute post.. I am a little different, though I totally love being a SAHM, I love my freedom as well. I love LOVE my boys, don't get me wrong, but.. man.. Working outside the home, is a drop in the bucket compared to the work we as mom's do inside the home.. It's like I think on one of your posts,
We are Nurses,Cooks,Taxi driver,Accountants, Ref's,Friends, shoppers,apt schedulers, the list is endless.. I love each part of this, though.. I can truly see the white light of the Hospital lights in the Near future..( being a nurse.. lol..) planning this out, so I can still be at home until they are in school is such a blessing though, I totally Agree..
-- Maybe I am a little different with my SPecial K. Man.. there are times, when all I can do is just put him on his bus and just collapse in exhaustion.
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