Saturday, April 9, 2011


trying to be cool in the car, alone. the drive out there was the bomb. 

After looking back on this blog I have serious ups and downs in my postings. Either I am wicked awesome- do some photo challenges, link up on the meme's, and pour my heart on on a regular basis or I am totally absent. Sorry for the roller coaster! There is just so much constantly going on in our house hold its hard to sometimes keep up. A hundred times a day I think about writing "that" down in a blog and then I am too tired by the time 8:00pm rolls around.

I just came back from an incredible road trip! As you know Ryan spent 9 days at his cousins house which was awesome, he was so happy and loved being with them. I spent a few days in Idaho with my bestie and her new baby. Then I headed down to Utah to see my little sister and some super awesome friends. My excuse for the lack of photos would be that sometimes you have to live in the moment instead of worry about preserving it! We went non stop the whole time and was too busy to pull out the camera for my epic dinner with the Hemsley sisters, you may know them as Shawntae, Jen, and Alexis. The 4 of us plus the kiddos- Ryan, Kingston, Baylee, Boston, Nixen, and Maddon. 9 months to about 4 years old. It was madness at the Olive Garden but I love them! I have known Jen and Lex for a while and Shawntae is a bloggy friend turned real life bestie- so so awesome let me tell ya!

Okay I did get a few pictures..

driving across the vast wilderness- oregon.

 my beautiful rock star of a sister Hannah '"nanna". Ryan is in love with her! 
he will hate me forever for making him ride in the car that long!

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