Tuesday, August 21, 2012

table food

I got the okay at 4 months to slowly start introducing baby food. Weston totally hated it so I didn't force it, I did keep trying every few weeks but had no luck! 

I read about baby led weaning and we went that route for a while but I could tell he wasn't getting enough food that way, he was mostly just chewing on things and not digesting much.

I wasn't going to worry much about it and just continue to exclusively breastfeed him but he started sleeping less and was more cranky. Sadly it took a week or so for me to realize he was just super hungry all the time! By this age, Ryan was eating 3 meals of baby food a day and mama milk, Weston was just nursing. My poor baby.

I started buying the Happy Tot baby food pouches from Target and he loves them. They are a bit more spendy than I would like to for regular meals though. Thanks to Ryan "helping" me feed West some of his mac and cheese I realized he was totally ready for small bites of table food!

So now he is on table food with the pouches if we are out and about during meal times and he is loving this new world. His favorites are- turkey, cheese, grapes, olives, apples, green beans, and pasta. I chop everything up in my pampered chef chopper, super easy.

It's all good until I try to spoon feed him anything, he gets so mad and wants to do it himself!

So for record keeping sake- nailed the table food thing at 7.5 months! 

Also he is getting HAIR.

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