Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I feel like every few months I have a post with the same title. Lately. Its my way of saying oops sorry I havent blogged in a bit and thanks for hanging on while we took an accidental break. I never really plan it but I love the fact that I blog when I want to, I dont ever feel pressure to sit down and say to myself oh heck what am I going to write about tonight. I have had a busy busy few weeks but we are back! Mostly my computers are now functioning again and I can blog with pictures. Sometimes I feel like its pointless unless I have at least one.

First off I posted that we are having a BOY! Then I disappeared. I promise from the bottom of my heart it wasnt to go sulk in the corner because my dreams of pink are put off a little longer. Okay maybe I did that for about 10 minutes one day and then went back to being happy as can be. Remember when I said we all had our guesses and waiting to see if we were right. Yeah, we were wrong. But I am so excited to meet this little dude. Our bond is growing stronger and the fears I had in the first trimester are gone (for the most part) He is feisty for sure. When ever I get so busy I forget that I have a ever growing baby bump and squish him he not so kindly reminds me of his presence by kicking me in my right ribs. I have already bought a few things that will be just HIS. Okay maybe more than a few things, I went a little crazy at the Pumpkin Patch and already have his first outfit picked out. It may be a *tiny preemie size, as in smaller than regular preemie but my babies are small it should fit him for a day or two. It was too cute to resist.

I am getting into a good grove watching my friends 4 month old, here on out known as baby J. Ryan is in love with him and thinks this is the baby brother we have been talking about. We will have to explain that one to him later. But for now I will take it. He helps out SO much getting me whatever I need, helps give bottles, burps him, and my favorite- they love to lay on my bed together and watch tv. Ryan loves when he gets up tues-friday and his baby J is here.

I have been feeling pretty good, still some hard sicky pregger days but overall I am just tired which is okay cause I take a nap with the boys in the afternoon and try to go to bed early. I need to post a belly shot soon, I "popped" this week I think. Yay for 17, almost half way!

We were featured on Hi, Baby this week! Dear Melissa emailed me with some pretty funny questions to answer, go check it out if you wish.

I also am quite happy with a recent senior photography session I just did. It helped that Hayden was practically a model. If you're in the area and want to be photographed my contact information is here or on that site as well :)

Oh thats right I promised pictures in this post as well.

I hope his brother looks like just him.

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