This picture was taken as a joke, my belly was hanging out the bottom of my shirt so I tucked it in- my hair, lets not even go there. But this is how I feel 95% of the time. Last night I went to 3 different gas stations to find the perfect Slurpee, it wasnt until I got home I realized I didnt put a bra on before I left and I had my pajama pants on.
Yes we are keeping it all sorts of classy around these parts.
And oh the heart burn, sweet mother of paul, the heart burn. I think I have blisters in my throat from the tacos I ate yesterday.
See isnt pregnancy

Lol that's too funny. I hated that feeling of my belly hanging out of my shirt! I don't think I ever forgot to put on a bra when leaving the house though but then again my boobs did get pretty big when I was pregnant so that would have just been awkward!
Also I'm sorry to say this, but it doesn't get any better lol. I was miserable by the 3rd trimester but then again I was dealing with 120°+ weather in the Arizona summer lol.
Oh Jazmyn♥
You are funny and I agree with you! I hate being pregnant but i do love it at the same time. I'm pretty sure this should be your profile picture on facebook. I am in love with this picture and that belly.
Oh and huuuurray for slurpee cravings. If we lived in the state it would be no bueno us being pregnant together. haha
I love this. You're picture is just a perfect picture to describe pregnancy. You look beautiful and completely natural. I totally agree with the statement about pregnancy sometimes being crappy. It's funny though, It's only been about 4 months and I've already forgotten about most of the suckiness... crazy how an adorable baby can do that to ya! Hang in there momma! <3
Shoot, I'm not afraid to say it sucks. A lot. But at the same's awesome. How does that happen? Love this pic though!!
I love this picture. You are adorable!
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