He politely asked to fall asleep in my bed which I am all for, then he asked me to cuddle with him. we spooned for a while, then he would roll over and eskimo kiss me. To die for, he was so sweet. When I tried to put him in his own bed he pleaded with me to wait til daddy came home and I made him promise me that he wouldnt be mad when I ate my own food and watched my own tv shows. This is mommy time after all.
I had some So You Think You Can Dance episodes to catch up on and that was NO problem for my little man. I think that show just kicked the pants off of gabba and all three toy stories. He just laid on the couch with me while we shared some pizza (I did cave a little) and judged each dancer. Some he approved of and some he did NOT. I even had to replay a few routines cause he was not ready for them to be over with. He danced along with all of them, I will record it tomorrow.
He belongs right there next to Mary and Nigel. Its pretty much his dream job right now and he is rockin' at it.