Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the things I say

Sometimes things come out of my mouth and I cant believe I actually said it. Ask my best friend B she hears too many of them to still love me.

Currently I have 2 canker sores so bad I cant eat. I have a sinus infection and Ryan has a double ear infection. I think our dog is going into heat and my sissys were in town which meant double the adults in my apartment. Its a mess. We are a mess. Today was anything goes. It was insane.

Today I said......

you cant rub it on your body like lotion even if its the same color- talking about amoxocillin

dont lick his penis (to the dog in reference to ryan who wouldnt put pants on!)

I am going to watch you push a poopie out, you can do it. Push real hard.

Dont tinkle on the couch

Why do you have to be naked all the time?

I dont want to play trains if you smell like poop

Do you want to take a cookie to bed with you?

For reals? And pardon the mess around here I am cleaning blog house and working on a new look I love what I had but I like to change things up every now and then. If anyone wants to lend a helping hand or knows a great designer let me know!

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