and he KNOWS it.
I am so happy today that I am a part of a church who worships our Father in Heaven with such beautiful and uplifting music. We have a book of hymns that we use during church, on average 5-6 songs per Sunday. And even better, we have a children's song book too. Ryan loves it when we sings songs before bed every night and thanks to our church we have lots to choose from. Some of his favorites are "I love to see the temple" and "I am trying to be like Jesus" Tonight he specifically asked for "I am a child of God"
I am a child of God
and he has sent me here
has given me an earthly home
with parents kind and dear
lead me guide me, walk beside me
help me find the way
teach me all that I can do to be with Him someday
He knows it! He knows he is a child of God, that he is never alone and has such a special life ahead of him. If I can do nothing more than to teach him that I think I have done an okay job. I wish every child could recognize the love of Heavenly Father in their lives!
I love how reverent he is, how he loves to pray, and how he loves to help me sign and sing these songs of praise!
I am willing to mail a childrens hymn book to ANYONE that wants one,
email me at

what a great message!! i've been signing primary songs to parker since he was a newborn & it's so cute to see him throw his hands up to "popcorn popping"!! i can't wait til he sings them with me :)
love these pictures!
It is truly the Very best! When Kaid was born I began to learn sign, and Love signing with him, his All time fav is still Teach me to walk, Though.. the way the primary has the children do it, is a little different from how I was taught.. lol.. I love this Church as well! It's Ao wonderful that Ryan loves these sweet songs, and early on with having listened to them, he will have appreciation for sweet uplifting music.. He is a awesome kid! Karson and kaid get a little roudy.. when they both throw their hands doing signs, sometimes.. if you did not know, you would think they were throwing up gang signs.. lol.. kidding..
I am working hard to make sure Landon knows How important God is and just how much God Loves him!!! I LOVE this song! Mandy Moore only Hope! a Walk to remember came on this weekend and of course I had to watch!!!
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