Friday, November 6, 2009


We had a fun Halloween with Ryan this year! We spent the day shampooing the carpets in the house and had to find last minute costumes for our ward trunk or treat. We both had high school athletic gear and went as sports stars! We later realized that we looked like high school kids with a baby... Go Team!

We went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Teuscher's house to say Happy Halloween and monkey and grandpa Wally watched football together, I have to say they look so alike! Its where he gets all his looks...

Ryan was TOTALLY happy to be out of his costume by the end of the night and enjoyed rolling around on our freshly cleaned carpets! (Thank you Bradley!)

I was working on being "Mother of the year" and let Ryan suck on a tootsie pop, wrapper on of course. He broke into tears when we took it away, we couldnt figure out why he was so upset til we looked at it, he used his little teeth to chew a hole in the wrapper and was sucking on the candy! Oops...
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