Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Half way to 1

Our not-so-little bundle of joy is now 6 months old! He is 16lbs 5oz (25%) 27 inches (75%) his head is in the 80%... sorry Ryan, no wonder all your hats are too small. Month 6 brings lots of new things-

New Shoes!!!!

New Sippy Cup

New high chair and big boy food in a teething bag

A Johnny Jump Up!

He is sitting, rolling, laughing, sleeping great, throwing toys, eating food, using the big bathtub and continuing to be our greatest joy.
Lately we have all been getting over the H1N1 flu and trying to get ready for the holiday season, I am working on Christmas cards from and they are so cute I cant wait to send them out! (let me know if you want one, leave your address) We are spending Thanksgiving with the Alberts's and Christmas with the Hughes's, we are so lucky to have wonderful families close by and cant wait to share all of this with our little boy.

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