My dear sweet Weston,
Tomorrow is your first birthday! A year ago from right now I was sitting with your dad and your brother out to lunch, counting each contraction and getting anxious and excited for labor to pick up. It would be almost 24 hours later until I finally held you in my arms but you were well worth the wait my love. The way you came into this world is the way you have been these past 12 months. Magical and calm all the time. I love you so much for that gift you bring into our home every day. Your birth was one of my favorite experiences of my life and something I relive in my mind regularly.
Everywhere we go people stop to smile at you and you always smile back. You make everyone happy! I hope that is a talent you will be able to use throughout your life. When you were first born I noticed your magical ability to calm the mood and bring the spirit into our home and into my life. That can be such a blessing for you in your life and your future family.
I want you to know how much you are loved by your brother. From the moment I told him I was pregnant he has loved you. He would lay next to me every day and rub my growing belly and talk about you. When you two met for the first time it was brotherly love at first sight. Ryan wanted to hold you and cover you in kisses right away. You are his best bud and I think you are pretty fond of him too. You both spend your days playing with toys together and cuddling under your favorite blankets.
Your dad and I love you so much too of course. We sit and talk about you a lot, you came into our family when we weren't expecting it and you have been such a wonderful surprise the whole time. You are perfect for our family and we are so happy you belong to us forever. I can't believe you've been here a whole year already, it feels like it's been a month but then at the same time I can't remember my life before you.
Some of my favorite things about you are your laugh, you sound like a machine gun when you get going and its hilarious! I love your big toothy grin, I love the way you use sign language and make up your own stuff, I love the way you love your blanket and the tag just like Ryan does. I love how you are independent but still like to be cuddled. I love that you a great sleeper and eater! I love how you can sit and drive matchbox cars back and forth forever. I love how much you love to throw balls. I love that when daddy comes home you crawl as fast as you can down the hall to great him- he is your favorite person. I love how much you love your grandpas. and I love your golden brown hair thats finally starting to thicken up. I love your big sparkly dark blue eyes. I love everything about you.
While I wish you could stay my cuddly, nursing baby forever, I am looking forward to watching you grow up and see how your personality will blossom and see the great things you will accomplish in this life! You are my light, baby boy and I am so proud to be your mama.
Happy birthday my perfect baby boy!

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