I am so flipping frustrated I could scream. He has no trigger, nothing can scare him into obeying and there is no reward in his mind worth listening for. No matter what I do he just stands there with a blank stare on his face which is so stupid because he is so smart and knows exactly what we are saying. No treat or amount of praise will move him and no threat I can offer will scare him into action. Its going to be a rough go with him when it comes to discipline as it already is. After 3 days there is no way I can give up and go back I have to stick it out but right now I am just not having much hope. Its like nothing we've done the last 3 days even phased him he could care less. Why did I think this would be by the book, this is the kid who took over a year to sleep train and he still fights it.

Sorry it's been so tough :( I wish I had some advice, but not quite there yet for us! Keep it up girlie, he'll catch on! I doubt he'll go to high school in diapers ;)
I'm so sorry that it's been so difficult! Hang in there, you'll get through this.
Aw, take heart. With my first son, it was like things just clicked one day. We had a day like you described so I let up a little and put him in pull ups for a day. Then we went to a reward system of one m&m for each pee.
I don't know anything about the 3 day program but I hope tomorrow is a better day - it's gotta be, right?!
Nice job with the potty training. I would pay big $ to have my kids go away to a potty training camp so I could just skip out on that part. haha. Sounds like she's doing great though. I'd try just not letting her drink about an hour before she goes to bed and see if that helps before you try waking her up. Potty Training Problems
Hang in there! I am frustrated, tired, sad, and sleep deprived beyond belief! So far she wins but dang it i want my bed back and I'm GONNA get it!!! Maybe the stubbornness and the fight in them is a "Ry" thing?!? lol
So sorry girl! Some kids really are easier than others. My "difficult" one is almost 7 and is still being potty trained. :) :) He was similar so Ryan in his first potty training days (my other children wersirloin easy, to give you some hope). Even today, he waits until the very last second to get to the bathroom (And everyone tells me it is "boy" thing cause they are so busy playing and don't want to stop). But he waits until the last second no matter what. He can be laying in bed or reading a book or doing school work. Doesn't matter. But his disorder affects his attunement to his body. He isn't in tune with his body's needs at all!!
Good luck! Potty training with tough kids is so NOT fun!!! Keep us updated!!
as much as we want our kids to do things on our time and schedule, truth is we follow their schedule.
we leave the store or tell our girlfriends {you know the ones that have lasted since we've become mommy} we have to leave early... because it's naptime.
we feed, bath, and get ready for bed when we want our kids to go to bed... and then they are up for 6 more hours {while we try our hardest to stay awake}
and, potty training is no different. we buy all the tools, bribe, smile, make it look like the most exciting thing ever, and then fail.
you son, will go. when he is ready.
i have hope for you {promise}. you have introduced it... and thats the first step.
hang in there lady.
ahhhh I can't offer you any advice. BUT I have heard that boys take longer than girls to train. Soooo I don't know. You may even get frustrated at me saying that so sorry if you do. Just adding my thoughts that he JUST turned 2...so maybe he wasn't 100% ready to get going full time but enough to get introduced? My sister in law had a friend who started potty training too early and the kid reverted back to diapers really quickly because it freaked the kid out and it took over a year to get her trained 100%. So who knows. Basically, I have no idea. I'm just dreading for this part of parenthood. Good luck! Keep venting on the blog. It helps! I know someone out there can offer you sound advice :-)
:o( I'm so sorry! I guess this is just a glimpse into my future with potty training a boy... Hang in there lauren! You are an amazing mom and he will eventually get tired of wet pants... hopefully! <3
He might not be ready even though you are. Truth is boys are harder to potty train. I'd talk to Jen about it.. Some boys aren't potty trained till they are 3. My bosses little boy wanted nothing to do with the potty then one day he pooped in his diaper took it off and went ew and was good from then on. Hang in there mama. :)
He's not ready:) sorry. You were so stinkin' easy --- NEVER ONE accident and you were not quite 2. This must be an Alberts thing! hahahahaha (sorry bradley).
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