Ryan is getting SO big. Mentally. Of course hes still our little shrimp at just 24 pounds ;) He is coloring all the time and hes not just making a scribbly mess anymore. Okay it still looks the same BUT he is drawing Yia Yia and Papa, Mommy, and Daddy, and of course Macy the dog. It amazes me how each person or pet is just lots of lines and dots but everyone gets their own color :) ask him 15 min later who each blob is and he can totally remember. Like DUH thats Dada!
Like I mentioned in my last post he loves loves looooooves to be nekkid. I always finding him taking his clothes and diaper off and the first place he heads is outside on the patio. All of our neighbors have seen his cute tush. In a few years that will need to stop but for now why not feel the breeze on both sets of cheeks.
Its been nice to take pictures for friends and family! I am grateful for the support that I have had from everyone its overwhelmingly wonderful :) If anyone wants pictures taken email me asap! I am hoping to do more families, bellies, and babies! Nothing is better then taking pictures of people for me I love it! I added a link to my photo blog up above too.
Do you like our new makeover? I change my blog about as often as I change my hair- which is all the time. I am working with Jess on a new banner and cant wait to show you all, go check her out she is the bomb.com and her son Wyatt was Ryans bloggy baby gift exchange buddy!
Somehow it was Cinco De Mayo and I did not eat any mexican food I find this quite depressing I will have to make up for it tomorrow.
Tonight Ryan said his bedtime prayers for the first time, he normally picks mommy or daddy to say them but hes been working on some signs- Heavenly Father, thank you, mom, dad, ryan, help, sleep, Jesus Christ, amen! Ahhhhhhhh I love him.
Happy Anniversary to my Mom and Dad! 27 years! AND to my bestest bud Hillary and her hubby Aaron who are celebrating 2 :)
This is stuck in my head. Love me some Lady A.
Okay enough rambling time for bed..

1 comment:
I'm sorry your sicky! :( Hope you start feeling better soon. Ryan is such a cutie patootie! I love that he signs so much - I need to start working more with Bennett on signing. I love the new look of your blog, can't wait to see your header!
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