I have been waiting to get Christmas pictures from my Momma for my next post but its taking longer than I thought. We have had a great new year so far! we celebrated by FINALLY moving into our own place, yay for us. Its been a long time coming and we are so grateful for our families helping us this last year but we are very happy to be on our own and make our own way. I will post pictures of our place once I am all decorated :) We are still in Vancouver (same ward even) and will most likely be here for the long haul unless Brad gets a great job offer somewhere else. High lites of our apartment include a washer and dryer, a garbage disposal (you never realize how amazing they are til you dont have one, like in Puerto Rico), a huge walk in closet for me and Ryans clothes and a nursery for our babe that has yet to be decorated but I have some great plans.. I am so excited to finally get his crib set up and all pretty looking.
Cant believe I only have a few weeks of gymnastics season left, I feel like it goes by so fast every year. I have gotten to be so close with some of my girlies and they always keep me on my toes. New moves, lots of sports tape, amazing meet scores and 1 broken femur (poor ashley) it has been quite a season. Looking forward to making it to state as a team in a few weeks, its one of my favorite weekends of the year!
And of course our Ryan- he has 7, count them, 7 teeth! Yes he is a little monster. Still no hair but he will eat everything in site. My favorite time of the day is breakfast with him, its nice that he feeds himself and gets to excited when I push the high chair up to the table next to me. He is also crawling! its still an army crawl but he is quick. He laughs all the time, blows spit bubbles all day, and bangs his fists on every hard surface, such a big boy already.
Sorry but I am a slacker and as of now my Christmas cards are still in the box waiting to be sent out.. that is my goal for the week. Thank you to the amazing Angie Beesley for taking the photos!