Wednesday, August 3, 2011

to my mama.

Do you see that little number over there to the right? It says 100 followers. I feel like that is a huge milestone for me and this blog of mine. I started out nearly 3 years ago and it may have taken a bit to get here but I am happy with the ride. I was at 99 for a few days and offered up a blog post ALL about my 100th follower. In no time my MOM of all people filled that spot.
Me, my Mama, and my itty bitty baby brother. No need to look at anymore pictures because she looks the same 22 years later but with smaller hair :) She is BEAUTIFUL inside and out. I am so lucky to have her as my mama. She has taught me how to be kind, to serve, to be nurturing. All the mothering skills I do have come from her. She has raised 4 children, ran businesses, served in church and in the school system. She is a great friend and an amazing mom, I am so lucky to have her.
She is always up for late night phone calls and skype dates with me and Ryan. She is one of the greatest grandmas we could ever ask for. She is full of advice and wisdom and I try to pick her brain every chance I get. I look forward to her helping me as I home school my children and raise them to be outstanding adults.
We love you Mom and Mimi.

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